Dataset Title: Redband Trout Size and Abundance Data from Big Jacks, Duncan, Little Jacks, Upper Mann and Keithly Creeks 2019-2022 DOI: 10.7923/8wrb-v347 RCDS ID: c0a19945-85ec-48de-bc79-ec8050dc98d0 Description/Abstract: Size and abundance fishery data utilized for Redband Trout habitat monitoring, habitat suitability modeling, and bioenergetics modeling at Big Jacks, Duncan, Little Jacks, Upper Mann and Keithly Creeks Idaho USA. All streams except Little Jacks Creek have three-100 meter sampling reaches (Low, Mid, Top); Little Jacks Creek only has two-100 meter sampling reaches (Low and Top). **Data Use**: *License* Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International ([CC-BY 4.0]( *Recommended Citation* Keeley ER, Ringelman AM. 2023. Redband Trout Size and Abundance Data for Big Jacks, Duncan, Little Jacks, Upper Mann and Keithly Creeks 2019-2022. [Dataset]. University of Idaho. **Funding** US National Science Foundation and Idaho EPSCoR: OIA-1757324 Resource URL: Creator(s): 1. Ernest R. Keeley ORCid: Affiliation: Idaho State University 2. Annelise M. Ringelman ORCid: Affiliation: Idaho State University Other Contributor(s): NULL Publisher: University of Idaho Publication Year: 2023 Language(s): American English Subject(s): 1. NATURAL SCIENCES 1.5 Earth and related Environmental sciences 1.6 Biological sciences Keywords/Tags: adaptation, Oncorhynchus mykiss gairdnerii, Redband Trout, abundance, age, recapture, climate change, wildlife, habitat Resource Type General: Dataset Dates: NULL Date available for the public: 2025-10-31 or upon publication in a peer-reviewed manuscript Sizes: 513 kb Format(s): csv, txt Version: NULL Funding References: US National Science Foundation Program: Idaho EPSCoR Award: OIA-1757324 Title: RII Track-1: Linking Genome to Phenome to Predict Adaptive Responses of Organisms to Changing Landscapes url: Spatial/Geographical Coverage Location: Study Area Description: Idaho USA Fields Sites: Big Jacks Creek Lower Sampling Reach: -116.041115, 42.563613 Big Jacks Creek Middle Sampling Reach: -116.044658, 42.562427 Big Jacks Creek Upper Sampling Reach: -116.047536, 42.563991 Duncan Creek Lower Sampling Reach: -116.02109, 42.5544 Duncan Creek Middle Sampling Reach: -116.028306, 42.547312 Duncan Creek Upper Sampling Reach: -116.031015, 42.546394 Keithly Creek Lower Sampling Reach: -116.880345, 44.546568 Keithly Creek Middle Sampling Reach: -116.893368, 44.555283 Keithly Creek Upper Sampling Reach: -116.89874, 44.573258 Upper Mann Creek Lower Sampling Reach: -116.952847, 44.517036 Upper Mann Creek Middle Sampling Reach: -116.948386, 44.55515 Upper Mann Creek Upper Sampling Reach: -116.950852, 44.574197 Little Jacks Creek Lower Sampling Reach: -116.103981, 42.733858 Little Jacks Creek Upper Sampling Reach: -116.10457, 42.729262 Bounding Box: N: 44.574197 S: 42.546394 E: -116.02109 W: -116.952847 Temporal Coverage: Start: 2019-07-09 End: 2022-07-12 Granularity of the Data: NULL Contact Info: Contact Name: Ernest Keeley Contact Email: Related Content: Related Habitat Dataset: Ringelman AM, Keeley ER. 2022. Redband Trout Stream Habitat Data for Big Jacks, Duncan, Little Jacks, Upper Mann and Keithly Creeks Idaho USA [Data set]. University of Idaho. Related Temperature Dataset: Keeley ER, Ringelman AM, Breech TM, Wooding AP. 2022. Redband Trout Stream Temperature Data for Big Jacks, Duncan, Little Jacks, Upper Mann and Keithly Creeks 2019-2022. [Dataset]. University of Idaho. Data/Code Files: 8wrb-v347.xml: project metadata in DataCite XML format readme.txt: project metadata in README.txt format fish_master_file_July2022.csv: master abundance and size data file Header Key: YEAR: Year data were collected Values: 2019 2020 2021 2022 TREAT: Integer based assignment based on ecotone treatment Values: 1: Desert 2: Montane STREAM: Integer based assignment for numerical identification of stream where data were collected Values: 1: Big Jacks 2: Duncan 3: Little Jacks 4: Upper Mann 5: Keithly MONTH: Integer based assignment for the month when data were collected Values: 7: July 10: October SECTION: Integer based assignment for numerical identification of stream section where data were collected Values: 1: Low 2: Mid 3: High FISH_NUMBER: Unique integer based assignment to differentiate each observation LENGTH: Fish fork length to the nearest mm MASS: Fish wet mass in grams (± 0.01 g) "." = No observation PIT_TAG_NUMBER: Passive Integrated Transponder tag ID (12 mm full duplex) in decimal format. "." = No observation PASS: Integer based assignment to identify the electrofishing pass number when fish was sampled/collected RECAP: Binary assignment indicating whether the sampled fish is a known recapture. Fish too small to receive an implanted PIT tag have no recapture data. Values: N: Not recapture Y: Recapture "." = No observation DATE: Date sample was collected in ISO8601 format (yyyy-mm-dd)