Title: Sagebrush greenhouse water use efficiency GxE phenotypic data DOI: 10.7923/jk5q-6876 RCDS Identifier: 92558821-2d5a-4e43-8a96-086c77e564c9 Description/Abstract: Phenotypic data related to water use efficiency (WUE) in sagebrush seedlings; specifically, stomata density and size on both leaf surfaces and the anatomy of vessels (i.e., xylem). Natural abundance stable carbon isotope data was also collected to confirm similar physiological processes between individuals analyzed within the study. **Data Use** *License* Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International ([CC-BY 4.0])(https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/legalcode) *Recommended Citation* Dumaguit CDC, Buerki S. 2023. Sagebrush greenhouse water use efficiency GxE phenotypic data [dataset]. University of Idaho. https://doi.org/10.7923/jk5q-6876 **Funding** US National Science Foundation and Idaho EPSCoR: OIA-1757324 Resource URL: https://data.nkn.uidaho.edu/dataset/sagebrush-greenhouse-water-use-efficiency-gxe-phenotypic-data Creator(s): 1. Carlos Dave C Dumaguit Unique identifier: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0411-7129 Affiliation(s): Boise State University 2. Sven Buerki Unique identifier: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8299-6539 Affiliation(s): Boise State University Other Contributor(s): 1. Stephanie Rood Unique identifier: NULL Affiliation(s): Boise State University Role: researcher (undergraduate) 2. Walker Morales Unique identifier: NULL Affiliation(s): Boise State University Role: researcher (undergraduate) 3. Andrew Wright Child Unique identifier: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6666-0739 Affiliation(s): University of Idaho Role: data manager Publisher: University of Idaho Publication Year: 2023 Language(s): American English Subject(s): 1 Natural sciences 1.6 Biological sciences Keywords/Tags: water use efficiency; Artemisia tridentata (sagebrush); microscopic imagery; stomata; xylem; leaf area; carbon stable isotopes; gene/genome/genotype-environment interaction (GxE); phenotype; genome to phenome Resource Type General: Dataset Dates: NULL Date available for the public: 2023-11-29 Sizes: 1.3 GB Format(s): txt, csv, xlsx, jpg, pdf, R Version: NULL Funding References: Funder: US National Science Foundation and Idaho EPSCoR Award Number: OIA-1757324 Award Title: RII Track-1: Linking Genome to Phenome to Predict Adaptive Responses of Organisms to Changing Landscapes Award URI: https://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=1757324 Spatial/Geographical Coverage Location: Study Area Description: Utah, Nevada and Idaho USA. Sagebrush seedlings derived from four distinct USFS maternal seed populations Point Location(s): IDT-1: -115.6569, 43.0962 IDT-3: -116.9641, 43.3366 NVW-1: -117.7751, 41.5147 UTT-2: -109.3876, 38.306 Temporal Coverage: Start Data: 2021-06-01 End Date: 2021-08-31 Granularity of the Data: NULL Contact Info: Contact Name: Sven Buerki Contact Email: svenbuerki@boisestate.edu Related Content: NULL Data/Code Files: See accompanying README.txt files for data descriptions. metadata.txt: project-level discovery metadata in txt compiled for repository record jk5q-6876.xml: project-level discovery metadata in DataCite xml format compiled for DOI record readme_main.txt: project root README.txt Carbon_isotope: Contains raw carbon isotope data and a cleaned .csv of the carbon isotope data Buerki_Sept_2022.xlsx: Raw data file from BSU Stable Isotope Laboratory. First 9 rows of table are metadata. ID: sample ID as assigned when samples were prepared/weighed d13C (‰) VPDB: natural abundance carbon isotope compositions in per mil notation represented as delta 13C in relationship to the VPDB international standard. % C: Percent carbon for the submitted plant sample. C_isotope.csv: contains raw results from BSU Stable Isotope Laboratory without the 9 rows of metadata ID: sample ID as assigned when samples were prepared/weighed d13C: natural abundance carbon isotope compositions in per mil notation represented as delta 13C in relationship to the VPDB international standard. per_carbon: Percent carbon for the submitted plant sample. Cisotope_Sample_Prep.csv: preparation table for sample submission to BSU stable isotope laboratory Plant_ID: Alphanumeric identifier assigned based on sample submitted for analyses Tube_ID: Integer based assignment used for laboratory sample tracking during carbon isotope composition and percent carbon analyses N_leaves: number of leaves packaged for carbon isotope composition and percent carbon analyses Mass (mg): mass of sample in milligrams submitted for carbon isotope composition and percent carbon analyses Comments: notes collected during sample preparation for carbon isotope composition and percent carbon analyses Date: date sample was prepared/weighed Leaves_data: Contains the full pipeline for analysis of leaf area and comparing at the population level, created by Sven Buerki BW_leaves_individual: contains images of seedlings' leaves in black and white, taken from a document scanner; at individual level DB_leaves_morpho_GH.csv: leaf morphology database, derived from leaf images Figures: contains associated figures derived from data Input_sheets_leaves: standardized imaging layout of leaves LeafAreammsq_Pop.csv: derived database of leaf area measured in square millimeters; data was obtained through R functions utilizing leaf images Leaves_analyses.R: R script of pipeline for data analysis Scanned_leaves: contains images of seedlings' leaves in black and white, taken from a document scanner; multiple leaves per sheet README_leaves.txt Stomata: This folder contains RAW DATA in curated form for further compilation and analysis of stomata characteristics 00_Raw_data: This folder contains the raw stomata image data for this project and associated scripts data: This folder contains the image and datasheets of stomata which is structured into folders corresponding to unique sample IDs Functions: Folder of R scripts with user defined functions Stomata_script.R: R script to generate and update databases for stomata data Stomata_phenotyping_protocol.pdf README_stomata.txt Xylem: This folder contains RAW DATA in curated form for further compilation and analysis of xylem vessel characteristics 00_Raw_data: Contains raw xylem data files DB_xylem_image_metadata.csv: database that identifies which images are of which seedlings and what type of root cross section was taken by whom Secondary: This folder contains images of secondary root cross sections. It is structured with folders named after each seedling sample's unique ID Taproot: This folder contains images of taproot cross sections. It is structured with folders named after each seedling sample's unique ID TaprootAreas: This folder contains images of taproot cross sections for the purposes of area estimation. It is structured with named after each seedling sample's unique ID XylemFunctions.R: R script containing code that restructures raw images into folders for scoring, creating databases for manual data gathering, and compiles data Xylem_phenotyping_protocol.pdf README_xylem.txt