Title: Collecting Gems: Improving Workforce Communication and Listening Skills Through Documenting Oral Histories of Idaho's Sagebrush Steppe UI RCDS ID: 90b2f8f5-33a9-4618-ac64-3397127e899c Description/Abstract: Boise State University student researchers conducted interviews with community members living and working in Idaho's sagebrush steppe in Spring 2022. These interviews were part of Collecting Gems: Improving Workforce Communication and Listening Skills Through Documenting Oral Histories of Idaho's Sagebrush Steppe. Led by Boise State faculty Dr. Kelly Hopping (Human-Environment Systems), Jill Heney (English), and Tiffany Hitesman (English), in collaboration with Dr. Bob Reinhardt (History) and Eriks Garsvo (Owyhee County Historical Society, Museum, and Library). We extend deep appreciation to the community members who took the time to talk with our students. We want to give special thanks to the Owyhee Historical Society, Museum and Library for providing space for interviewing. We are also very grateful to Mary Huff, Brenda Richards, and Scott Jensen for their help in recruiting interviewees. **Data Use** *License*: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International ([CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 DEED](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/legalcode)) *Recommended Citation*: Boise State University sets recommendations for resource use and citation. **Funding** US National Science Foundation and Idaho EPSCoR: OIA-1757324 Resource URL: https://data.nkn.uidaho.edu/dataset/collecting-gems-improving-workforce-communication-and-listening-skills-through-documenting SAMEAS https://digital.boisestate.edu/sharedstorieslab Creator(s): 1. Kelly Hopping Unique identifier: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0557-0526 Affiliation(s): Boise State University 2. Tiffany Hitesman Unique identifier: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2560-5383 Affiliation(s): Boise State University 3. Jill Heney Unique identifier: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3329-600X Affiliation(s): Boise State University 4. Haley Netherton-Morrison Unique identifier: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0453-0346 Affiliation(s): Boise State University 5. Amy Mallory Unique identifier: NULL Affiliation(s): Boise State University 6. Anika Bennett Unique identifier: NULL Affiliation(s): Boise State University 7. Kacey Bates Unique identifier: NULL Affiliation(s): Boise State University 8. John Behrens Unique identifier: NULL Affiliation(s): Boise State University 9. Nicole Crandall Unique identifier: NULL Affiliation(s): Boise State University Other Contributor(s): 1. Cheryl Oestreicher Unique identifier: NULL Affiliation(s): data curator Publisher: Boise State University Publication Year: 2023 Language(s): American English Subject(s): 5. Social sciences 5.7 Social and economic geography Keywords/Tags: oral histories, social-ecological systems, interviews, landscape, values, Artemisia spp., sagebrush steppe Resource Type General: Dataset Dates: NULL Date available for the public: 2023-09-22 Sizes: 1.6 MB Format(s): pdf, txt Version: NULL Funding References: Funder Name: US National Science Foundation Award Number: OIA-1757324 Award Title: RII Track-1: Linking Genome to Phenome to Predict Adaptive Responses of Organisms to Changing Landscapes Award URL: https://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=1757324 Spatial/Geographical Coverage Location: Study Area Description: Owyhee County Idaho Geospatial Extent: NULL Temporal Coverage: Start Date: NULL End Date: NULL Granularity of the Data: NULL Contact Info: Contact Name: Kelly Hopping Contact Email: kellyhopping@boisestate.edu Related Content: Boise State University Library-Shared Stories Lab | https://digital.boisestate.edu/sharedstorieslab 1-Jackie McKee Benson: https://digital.boisestate.edu/islandora/jackie-mckee-benson-interview 2-Chris Black: https://digital.boisestate.edu/islandora/chris-black-interview 3-Richard and Connie Brandau: https://digital.boisestate.edu/islandora/richard-and-connie-brandau-interview 4-Sid Erwin: https://digital.boisestate.edu/islandora/sid-erwin-interview 5-Tim Freeman: https://digital.boisestate.edu/islandora/tim-freeman-interview 6-Craig Gehrke: https://digital.boisestate.edu/islandora/craig-gehrke-interview 7-Jerry Hoagland: https://digital.boisestate.edu/islandora/jerry-hoagland-interview 8-John and Sue Jones and Tim Freeman: https://digital.boisestate.edu/islandora/john-and-sue-jones-and-tim-freeman-interview 9-Rose King: https://digital.boisestate.edu/islandora/rose-king-interview 10-Mary O’Malley: https://digital.boisestate.edu/islandora/mary-omalley-interview 11-Lou Monson: https://digital.boisestate.edu/islandora/lou-monson-interview 12-Paul Nettleton, Dennis Stanford, Donna Bennett, and Vern Kershner: https://digital.boisestate.edu/islandora/paul-nettleton-dennis-stanford-donna-bennett-and-vern-kershner-group-interview 13-John Robison: https://digital.boisestate.edu/islandora/john-robison-interview 14-Jared Talley: https://digital.boisestate.edu/islandora/jared-l-talley-interview Data/Code Files: readme.txt: project metadata in readme.txt format Oral_history_transcripts_Owyhees_2022.pdf: Oral history transcript compilation in pdf format