The repository contains 3 major folders corresponding to the three orbits of Cassini: - Enceladus Plume_279 - Enceladus Plume_286 - Enceladus Plume_290 Each of these folders contain a subfolder with the calibrated files for their respective orbits: - calibrated_S100_279 - calibrated_S101_286 - calibrated_S101_290 The calibrated .erpj files contain the I/F data we use in our analysis. The repo contains wavelength_vims.txt file that containts the wavelengths used in this analysis. The jupyter notebooks in the repo: - Enceladus plume background removal.ipynb creates and saved the following files for each orbit. The below file names are just example for orbit no 279 - outlier_cube_indices_279.txt saves the index of outliers cubes/images in orbit no 279 - images_binned_indices_279.txt saves the index of images/cubes that have been averaged/binned together in multiple of 10 each. For example first 10 cubes that are binned together have indices [4, 5, 6, ...] of size 10 - inten_before_alt_279.txt plume spectra intensity across altitude before background removal in the shape of 240 spectral channels, 29 orbital phases, 30 altitudes. Values are stored with their respective standard deviation. - inten_after_alt_279.txt plume spectra intensity across altitude after background removal in the shape of 240 spectral channels, 29 orbital phases, 30 altitudes. Values are stored with their respective standard deviation. - Mie Code_100.ipynb generates mie spectra at the scattering angles of all 3 orbits and uses the folliwing: - 100.txt contains the refractive index at 100K for all the relevant wavelength channels. - encplume_filelist_geom_S100_279_062420 contains the parameters for the corresponding orbit. (SImilary for the other 2 orbits) And creates the following files: - File wavelength_index.txt stores the index at which the wavelength for which refractive indices (used to generate mie spectra) are defined coincides with the wavelength corresponding to plume observations. - File mie_wavelength.txt contains the wavelength for mie spectra - File plume_wavelength.txt contains the wavelength for plume spectra - File max_radius.txt saves the maximum radius for each of the 676 combinations of size parameters - File power_index.txt saves the power law index for each of the 676 combinations of size parameters - Folder Enceladus Plume_279 (similarly for orbit 286 and 290) - File binned_orbital_phase_279.txt that stores binned orbital phase values for orbit no. 279 - File binned_scattering_angle_279.txt that stores binned scattering angle values for orbit no. 279 - File mie_spectra_100.txt stores the spectra generated using mie scattering theory. - File mie_scatt_angle.txt save the 32 scattering angles for which mie spectra is generated. - Plume and Mie binning_100_50 real.ipynb creates the following important files (these are replicated for the other 2 orbits): - plume_spectra_279_100_50 - scatt_index_279: these files save the index of the scattering angles - mie_spectra_279_100_50: contacins mie spectra with augmentations - plume_spectra_279_100_50_err - plume_spectra_279_orb_100_50 - ML model_100_50 calculates the fianl results : - plume_spectra_results_279_100_50 and similarly for the other 2 orbits - EW_mie_augmented - EW_plume_augmented - mie_spectra_rad - mie_spectra_pow - max_rad_50_aug_man - pow_50_aug_man - size_orb_50_aug_man