Data compiled to support sequencing files derived from biological samples collected between June-October 2020 on redband trout (O. mykiss giardneri) from south-western Idaho. Fin clips and gill biopsy samples were collected and are housed at conservation genetics lab at Idaho State university. Variables library_ID: unique integer based identifier used to connect sample library files to original biological sample RBE_ID: Unique alpha numeric identifier for samples utilized for sequence data submission. Sample archive prefix, RBE = Rainbow Epigenetics + Individual sample number, unique to each fish length_mm: fork length in mm mass_g: total mass in grams sites: location of population sampled. possible values - big_jacks: Big Jacks Creek; duncan: Duncan Creek; upper_mann: Upper Mann Creek; little_jacks: Little Jacks Creek; keithly: Keithly Creek month: month during which sampling event took place treatment: categorical identifier of ecotype (desert or montane) mean_temp: mean stream temperature during the month of sampling in degrees celsius p_meth_70_conserv: percent methylation of heat shock protein 70 gene, conservative filtering applied p_meth_47_conserv: percent methylation of heat shock protein 47 gene, conservative filtering applied p_meth_70_raw: percent methylation of heat shock protein 70 gene, unfiltered p_meth_47_raw: percent methylation of heat shock protein 47 gene, unfiltered