Title: Lessons learned in using an online stakeholder engagement platform DOI: 10.7923/es5c-6m41 Description/Abstract: The inclusion of diverse stakeholder perspectives is essential for responsibly developing new technologies in food and agriculture. In a USDA/NIFA-funded project, we developed and conducted an online stakeholder engagement platform to elicit views of nanotechnology used in food and agriculture. Overall, the online platform proved to be a cost-effective mechanism to engage various stakeholders to better understand their views and have them discuss pros and cons of new (nano)technologies for food/ag systems. This presentation provides a brief overview of the online platform to engage stakeholders and discuss strengths and weaknesses of the approach to improve future engagement efforts that use virtual tools. **Resource Use** *License* [CC-BY 4.0](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) *Recommended Citation* Grieger K. 2023. Lessons learned in using an online stakeholder engagement platform. University of Idaho. https://doi.org/10.7923/es5c-6m41 **Funding** USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture: 2019-67023-29855 USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture: 2022-67023-36730 National Science Foundation, EngageINFEWS Research Coordination Network: 1856059 Resource URL: https://data.nkn.uidaho.edu/dataset/lessons-learned-using-online-stakeholder-engagement-platform Creator(s): 1. Full Name: Khara Grieger Unique identifier: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0821-0534 Affiliation(s): North Carolina State University Publisher: University of Idaho Publication Year: 2023 Language(s): American English Subject(s): 2.5 Materials engineering 2.11 Other engineering and technologies 4.1 Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries 5.4 Sociology 5.9 Other social sciences Keywords/Tags: stakeholder engagement; sustainability; food and agriculture Resource Type General: Audiovisual Dates: 2023-04-13 Date available for the public: 2023-05-03 Sizes: 236.3 MB Format(s): mp4, pdf, txt Version: NULL Funding References: USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture Award number: 2019-67023-29855 USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture Award number: 2022-67023-36730 US National Science Foundation Award Number: 1856059 Award Title: INFEWS/T3 RCN: EngageINFEWS - A Research Coordination Network for Community and Stakeholder Engagement Critical to Food, Energy, and Water Systems Award URI: https://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=1856059 Spatial/Geographical Coverage Location: Study Area Description: USA Temporal Coverage: Start Data: 2022-01-01 End Date: 2026-01-01 Granularity of the Data: NULL Contact Info: Contact Name: Khara Grieger Contact Email: kdgriege@ncsu.edu Related Content: Peer Reviewed Manuscript-Journal of Responsible Technology | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jrt.2022.100030 RTI Press Occasional Paper | https://doi.org/10.3768/rtipress.2022.op.0071.2201 Peer Reviewed Manuscript-NanoImpact | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.impact.2021.100365 Data/Code Files: 2-Grieger-Metadata.txt: Metadata in readme.txt format 2-Grieger-Slides.pdf: Slides utilized during presentation 2-Grieger-Video.mp4: Video presentation es5c-6m41.xml: Metadata in xml format