Data from: Mapping foodscapes and sagebrush morphotypes with unmanned aerial systems for multiple herbivores Dataset DOI: Dataset published to support the following peer-reviewed manuscript: Title: Mapping foodscapes and sagebrush morphotypes with unmanned aerial systems for multiple herbivores Journal: Landscape Ecology 2020, 35:921-936 Manuscript DOI: This dataset was derived from the following datasets: Chemistry Data: Sorensen Forbey, J., Olsoy, P., Robb, B., Fremgen-Tarantino, M. R., & Nobler, J. D. (2022). Compiled Idaho sagebrush chemistry and plant herbivore interaction data [Data set]. University of Idaho. License: CC-BY UAS Data: Olsoy, P., Burgess, M., Sorensen Forbey, J., Rachlow, J., Shipley, L., & Thornton, D. (2022). Unoccupied aerial systems imagery from Camas, Cedar Gulch and Rocky Canyon Idaho [Data set]. University of Idaho. License: CC-BY Structural Data: Olsoy, Peter J. et al. (2018), Data from: Unmanned aerial systems measure structural habitat features for wildlife across multiple scales, Dryad, Dataset, License: CC0 Data Use: Recommended Citation: Olsoy, P., Sorensen Forbey, J., Shipley, L., Rachlow, J., Robb, B., Nobler, J., & Thornton, D. (2022). Data from: Mapping foodscapes and sagebrush morphotypes with unmanned aerial systems for multiple herbivores [Data set]. University of Idaho. License: CC-BY Dataset File Structure: readme.txt: Describes dataset metadata, structure and use restrictions. Camas_MagicReservoir: Spatial files for the Camas (Magic Reservoir) Idaho Site. Spatial Reference: NAD83 UTM Zone 11N. PatchType: 25-cm resolution GeoTIFF rasters of vegetation patch types, patch classes are 3=on mound, 4=off mound, 5=dwarf. On-mound refers to patches on mima mounds with deeper soils that pygmy rabbits use to dig their burrows and are dominated by big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata); off-mound refers to patches dominated by big sagebrush but not on mima mounds; and dwarf patches are dominated by short-statured sagebrush species (e.g., black sagebrush [A. nova], low sagebrush [A. arbuscula]). Camas_PatchTypeClassification_20130625.tfw Camas_PatchTypeClassification_20130625.tif Camas_PatchTypeClassification_20130625.tif.aux.xml Camas_PatchTypeClassification_20130625.tif.ovr Camas_PatchTypeClassification_20130625.tif.vat.cpg Camas_PatchTypeClassification_20130625.tif.vat.dbf Camas_PatchTypeClassification_20130625.tif.xml Summer: 25-cm resolution GeoTIFF rasters of sagebrush "foodscapes" that were generated with regression kriging using the patch type layer and point values from plant-level leaf chemistry. Phytochemicals: Crude Protein, Coumarins, Total Monoterpenes, Chemical Diversity of Monoterpenes and two individual monoterpenes (1,8-cineole and camphor). If there was no spatial autocorrelation present in the semivariogram, then foodscape maps were not generated for that phytochemical. Camas_Summer_Camphor_Kriged.tfw Camas_Summer_Camphor_Kriged.tif Camas_Summer_Camphor_Kriged.tif.aux.xml Camas_Summer_Camphor_Kriged.tif.ovr Camas_Summer_Camphor_Kriged.tif.xml Camas_Summer_ChemicalDiversity_Kriged.tfw Camas_Summer_ChemicalDiversity_Kriged.tif Camas_Summer_ChemicalDiversity_Kriged.tif.aux.xml Camas_Summer_ChemicalDiversity_Kriged.tif.ovr Camas_Summer_ChemicalDiversity_Kriged.tif.xml Camas_Summer_Cineole_Kriged.tfw Camas_Summer_Cineole_Kriged.tif Camas_Summer_Cineole_Kriged.tif.aux.xml Camas_Summer_Cineole_Kriged.tif.ovr Camas_Summer_Cineole_Kriged.tif.xml Camas_Summer_Coumarins_Kriged.tfw Camas_Summer_Coumarins_Kriged.tif Camas_Summer_Coumarins_Kriged.tif.aux.xml Camas_Summer_Coumarins_Kriged.tif.ovr Camas_Summer_Coumarins_Kriged.tif.xml Camas_Summer_CrudeProtein_Kriged.tfw Camas_Summer_CrudeProtein_Kriged.tif Camas_Summer_CrudeProtein_Kriged.tif.aux.xml Camas_Summer_CrudeProtein_Kriged.tif.ovr Camas_Summer_CrudeProtein_Kriged.tif.xml Camas_Summer_TotalMonoterpenes_Kriged.tfw Camas_Summer_TotalMonoterpenes_Kriged.tif Camas_Summer_TotalMonoterpenes_Kriged.tif.aux.xml Camas_Summer_TotalMonoterpenes_Kriged.tif.ovr Camas_Summer_TotalMonoterpenes_Kriged.tif.xml Winter: 25-cm resolution GeoTIFF rasters of sagebrush "foodscapes" that were generated with regression kriging using the patch type layer and point values from plant-level leaf chemistry. Phytochemicals: Crude Protein, Coumarins, Total Monoterpenes, Chemical Diversity of Monoterpenes and two individual monoterpenes (1,8-cineole and camphor). If there was no spatial autocorrelation present in the semivariogram, then foodscape maps were not generated for that phytochemical. Camas_Winter_Camphor_Kriged.tfw Camas_Winter_Camphor_Kriged.tif Camas_Winter_Camphor_Kriged.tif.aux.xml Camas_Winter_Camphor_Kriged.tif.ovr Camas_Winter_Camphor_Kriged.tif.xml Camas_Winter_ChemicalDiversity_Kriged.tfw Camas_Winter_ChemicalDiversity_Kriged.tif Camas_Winter_ChemicalDiversity_Kriged.tif.aux.xml Camas_Winter_ChemicalDiversity_Kriged.tif.ovr Camas_Winter_ChemicalDiversity_Kriged.tif.xml Camas_Winter_Cineole_Kriged.tfw Camas_Winter_Cineole_Kriged.tif Camas_Winter_Cineole_Kriged.tif.aux.xml Camas_Winter_Cineole_Kriged.tif.ovr Camas_Winter_Cineole_Kriged.tif.xml Camas_Winter_Coumarins_Kriged.tfw Camas_Winter_Coumarins_Kriged.tif Camas_Winter_Coumarins_Kriged.tif.aux.xml Camas_Winter_Coumarins_Kriged.tif.ovr Camas_Winter_Coumarins_Kriged.tif.xml Camas_Winter_CrudeProtein_Kriged.tfw Camas_Winter_CrudeProtein_Kriged.tif Camas_Winter_CrudeProtein_Kriged.tif.aux.xml Camas_Winter_CrudeProtein_Kriged.tif.ovr Camas_Winter_CrudeProtein_Kriged.tif.xml Camas_Winter_TotalMonoterpenes_Kriged.tfw Camas_Winter_TotalMonoterpenes_Kriged.tif Camas_Winter_TotalMonoterpenes_Kriged.tif.aux.xml Camas_Winter_TotalMonoterpenes_Kriged.tif.ovr Camas_Winter_TotalMonoterpenes_Kriged.tif.xml CedarGulch: Spatial files for the Cedar Gulch Idaho Site. Spatial Reference: NAD83 UTM Zone 12N. PatchType: 25-cm resolution GeoTIFF rasters of vegetation patch types, patch classes are 3=on mound, 4=off mound, 5=dwarf. On-mound refers to patches on mima mounds with deeper soils that pygmy rabbits use to dig their burrows and are dominated by big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata); off-mound refers to patches dominated by big sagebrush but not on mima mounds; and dwarf patches are dominated by short-statured sagebrush species (e.g., black sagebrush [A. nova], low sagebrush [A. arbuscula]). CedarGulch_PatchTypeClassification_20150605.tfw CedarGulch_PatchTypeClassification_20150605.tif CedarGulch_PatchTypeClassification_20150605.tif.aux.xml CedarGulch_PatchTypeClassification_20150605.tif.ovr CedarGulch_PatchTypeClassification_20150605.tif.vat.cpg CedarGulch_PatchTypeClassification_20150605.tif.vat.dbf CedarGulch_PatchTypeClassification_20150605.tif.xml Summer: 25-cm resolution GeoTIFF rasters of sagebrush "foodscapes" that were generated with regression kriging using the patch type layer and point values from plant-level leaf chemistry. Phytochemicals: Crude Protein, Coumarins, Total Monoterpenes, Chemical Diversity of Monoterpenes and two individual monoterpenes (1,8-cineole and camphor). If there was no spatial autocorrelation present in the semivariogram, then foodscape maps were not generated for that phytochemical. CedarGulch_Summer_CrudeProtein_Kriged.tfw CedarGulch_Summer_CrudeProtein_Kriged.tif CedarGulch_Summer_CrudeProtein_Kriged.tif.aux.xml CedarGulch_Summer_CrudeProtein_Kriged.tif.ovr CedarGulch_Summer_CrudeProtein_Kriged.tif.xml CedarGulch_Summer_TotalMonoterpenes_Kriged.tfw CedarGulch_Summer_TotalMonoterpenes_Kriged.tif CedarGulch_Summer_TotalMonoterpenes_Kriged.tif.aux.xml CedarGulch_Summer_TotalMonoterpenes_Kriged.tif.ovr CedarGulch_Summer_TotalMonoterpenes_Kriged.tif.xml Winter: 25-cm resolution GeoTIFF rasters of sagebrush "foodscapes" that were generated with regression kriging using the patch type layer and point values from plant-level leaf chemistry. Phytochemicals: Crude Protein, Coumarins, Total Monoterpenes, Chemical Diversity of Monoterpenes and two individual monoterpenes (1,8-cineole and camphor). If there was no spatial autocorrelation present in the semivariogram, then foodscape maps were not generated for that phytochemical. CedarGulch_Winter_Coumarins_Kriged.tfw CedarGulch_Winter_Coumarins_Kriged.tif CedarGulch_Winter_Coumarins_Kriged.tif.aux.xml CedarGulch_Winter_Coumarins_Kriged.tif.ovr CedarGulch_Winter_Coumarins_Kriged.tif.xml CedarGulch_Winter_CrudeProtein_Kriged.tfw CedarGulch_Winter_CrudeProtein_Kriged.tif CedarGulch_Winter_CrudeProtein_Kriged.tif.aux.xml CedarGulch_Winter_CrudeProtein_Kriged.tif.ovr CedarGulch_Winter_CrudeProtein_Kriged.tif.xml CedarGulch_Winter_TotalMonoterpenes_Kriged.tfw CedarGulch_Winter_TotalMonoterpenes_Kriged.tif CedarGulch_Winter_TotalMonoterpenes_Kriged.tif.aux.xml CedarGulch_Winter_TotalMonoterpenes_Kriged.tif.ovr CedarGulch_Winter_TotalMonoterpenes_Kriged.tif.xml Scripts: Data (csv) and script (r and txt) files needed for anlayses. kriging_gstat_may2019_cedar.R: Final R script utilized in analyses of data from Cedar Gulch Idaho site kriging_gstat_may2019_camas.R: Final R script utilized in analyses of data from Camas/Magic Reservoir Idaho site Note: The Camas Idaho site is also referred to as the Magic Reservoir or MR site within this script, and within related projects. Camas == Magic Reservoir. VarioScript3.txt: Ancillary script to aid with diagnostic plots to check assumptions for variograms KrigeWrapper3.txt: Ancillary script to aid with diagnostic plots to check assumptions for kriging gps-diet-quality-feb2019.csv: Final tabular data used within analyses for all sites. Header Dictionary: GPS_Name: Point name from TopCon centimeter-grade GPS unit Name_OLD: Plant name associated with field collections Patch_ID: Patch identifier to group plants together from the same patch Site: Categorical assignment based on the site where plant sample was collected. Values: Camas: Camas/Magic Reservoir Idaho Cedar Gulch: Cedar Gulch Idaho Veg_type: Categorical assignment based on the type of patch (i.e., microclimate or morphotype) where the sample was collected Values: on: Sagebrush plants found on pygmy rabbit mima mounds (i.e., ~5m diameter mounds with deeper soils and denser sagebrush) off: Sagebrush plants found off of but within 8m of the center of pygmy rabbit mima mounds dwarf: Dwarf sagebrush plants found within micro-topographically unique patches near pygmy rabbit mima mounds Northing: Plant location northing in reference to NAD83 UTM Zone 11N [Camas]/12N [Cedar Gulch] Easting: Plant location easting in reference to NAD83 UTM Zone 11N [Camas]/12N [Cedar Gulch] Elev: Plant location elevation in meters uav_mean_height: Mean height within a 0.5-meter radius of the plant, calculated from the UAS-derived canopy height model VialID_Win: Categorical assignment for laboratory sample ID of samples collected (winter sampling). VialID_Sum: Categorical assignment for laboratory sample ID of samples collected (summer sampling). Bites_win: Number of bite marks by the associated herbivore counted on the sampled plant (winter sampling). Bites_sum: Number of bite marks by the associated herbivore counted on the sampled plant (summer sampling). Pellets_win: Number of fecal pellets from the associated herbivore counted near the sampled plant (winter sampling). Pellets_sum: Number of fecal pellets from the associated herbivore counted near the sampled plant (summer sampling). CP_Win: Percent (%) of crude protein quantified in the plant sample via combustion method used by Dairy One Forage Lab (winter sampling). CP_Sum: Percent (%) of crude protein quantified in the plant sample via combustion method used by Dairy One Forage Lab (summer sampling). Coum_Win: Concentration of total coumarins (scopoletin equivalents, umol/g dry weight) in the plant sample via a fluorescence assay (winter sampling). Coum_Sum: Concentration of total coumarins (scopoletin equivalents, umol/g dry weight) in the plant sample via a fluorescence assay (summer sampling). Phen_Win: Concentration of total phenolics (gallic acid equivalents, mg/g dry weight) in the plant sample via the Folin-Ciocalteau reaction assay (winter sampling). Phen_Sum: Concentration of total phenolics (gallic acid equivalents, mg/g dry weight) in the plant sample via the Folin-Ciocalteau reaction assay (summer sampling). MT_Win: Concentration of total monoterpenes (area under the curve (AUC)/mg dry weight) in the plant sample via headspace gas chromatography. This includes total area for all known and unknown compounds (winter sampling). MT_Sum: Concentration of total monoterpenes (area under the curve (AUC)/mg dry weight) in the plant sample via headspace gas chromatography. This includes total area for all known and unknown compounds (summer sampling). Species_Win: The species or nearest estimate of the collected plant, or composite of plants collected in a patch (winter sampling). These assignments were not confirmed genetically. Values: dwarf: Generic dwarf sagebrush, classified in the field according to relatively smaller morphological size and location of collection (i.e., nova: Black sagebrush, artemisia nova wyoming: Wyoming big sagebrush, artemisia tridentata ssp. wyomingensis [blank cell]: Null. No data collected. Species_Sum: The species or nearest estimate of the collected plant, or composite of plants collected in a patch (summer sampling). These assignments were not confirmed genetically. Values: dwarf: Generic dwarf sagebrush, classified in the field according to relatively smaller morphological size and location of collection (i.e., nova: Black sagebrush, artemisia nova wyoming: Wyoming big sagebrush, artemisia tridentata ssp. wyomingensis [blank cell]: Null. No data collected. Bpine_Win: Concentration of monoterpene beta-pinene (area under the curve (AUC)/mg dry weight) in the plant sample via headspace gas chromatography (winter sampling). Bpine_Sum: Concentration of monoterpene beta-pinene (area under the curve (AUC)/mg dry weight) in the plant sample via headspace gas chromatography (summer sampling). Cine_Win: Concentration of monoterpene 1,8-cineole (area under the curve (AUC)/mg dry weight) in the plant sample via headspace gas chromatography (winter sampling). Cine_Sum: Concentration of monoterpene 1,8-cineole (area under the curve (AUC)/mg dry weight) in the plant sample via headspace gas chromatography (summer sampling). Camphor_Win: Concentration of monoterpene camphor (area under the curve (AUC)/mg dry weight) in the plant sample via headspace gas chromatography (winter sampling). Camphor_Sum:Concentration of monoterpene camphor (area under the curve (AUC)/mg dry weight) in the plant sample via headspace gas chromatography (summer sampling). ChemDiv_Win: Chemical diversity of individual monoterpenes, calculated as the Shannon Diversity Index (winter sampling). ChemDiv_Sum: Chemical diversity of individual monoterpenes, calculated as the Shannon Diversity Index (Summer sampling). Resource URL: Creator(s): 1. Peter Olsoy ORCiD: Affiliation: Boise State University 2. Jennifer Sorensen Forbey ORCiD: Affiliation: Boise State University 3. Lisa Shipley ORCiD: NULL Affiliation: Washington State University 4. Janet Rachlow ORCiD: Affiliation: University of Idaho 5. Brecken C. Robb ORCiD: Affiliation: Boise State University 6. Jordan D. Nobler ORCiD: NULL Affiliation: Boise State University 6. Daniel Thornton ORCiD: NULL Affiliation: Washington State University Other Contributor(s): NA Title(s): Data from: Mapping foodscapes and sagebrush morphotypes with unmanned aerial systems for multiple herbivores Description: Context The amount and composition of phytochemicals in forage plants influences habitat quality for wild herbivores. However, evaluating forage quality at fine resolutions across broad spatial extents (i.e., foodscapes) is challenging. Unmanned aerial systems (UAS) provide an avenue for bridging this gap in spatial scale. Objectives We evaluated the potential for UAS technology to accurately predict nutritional quality of sagebrush (Artemisia spp.) across landscapes. We mapped seasonal forage quality across two sites in Idaho, USA, with different mixtures of species but similar structural morphotypes of sagebrush. Methods We classified the sagebrush at both study sites using structural features of shrubs with object-based image analysis and machine learning and linked this classification to field measurements of phytochemicals to interpolate a foodscape for each phytochemical with regression kriging. We compared fine-scale landscape patterns of phytochemicals between sites and seasons. Results Classification accuracy for morphotypes was high at both study sites (81–87%). Forage quality was highly variable both within and among sagebrush morphotypes. Coumarins were the most accurately mapped (r2=0.57–0.81), whereas monoterpenes were the most variable and least explained. Patches with higher crude protein were larger and more connected in summer than in winter. Conclusions UAS allowed for a rapid collection of imagery for mapping foodscapes based on the phytochemical composition of sagebrush at fine scales but relatively broad extents. However, results suggest that a more advanced sensor (e.g., hyperspectral camera) is needed to map mixed species of sagebrush or to directly measure forage quality. Data Usage Notes Spatial Reference: NAD83 UTM Zone 11N [Camas]/12N [Cedar Gulch] Patch Type Classifications 25-cm resolution, classes are 3=on mound, 4=off mound, 5=dwarf. On-mound refers to mima mounds with deeper soils that pygmy rabbits use to dig their burrows and are dominated by big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata), while off-mound refers to patches dominated by big sagebrush but not on mima mounds, while dwarf patches are dominated by short-statured sagebrush species (e.g., black sagebrush [A. nova], low sagebrush [A. arbuscula]). Maps of Phytochemistry 25-cm resolution and were generated with regression kriging using the patch type layer and point values from leaf chemistry. Phytochemicals: Crude Protein, Coumarins, Total Monoterpenes, Chemical Diversity of Monoterpenes and two individual monoterpenes (1,8-cineole and camphor). If there was no spatial autocorrelation present in the semivariogram, then maps were not generated for that phytochemical. Publisher: University of Idaho Publication Year: 2022 Language(s): American English Subject(s): 1.0 Natural Sciences 1.5 Earth and related Environmental sciences 1.6 Biological science 2.0 Engineering and technology 2.7 Environmental engineering Keywords/Tags: Artemesia spp. (sagebrush), ecology, landscape, remote sensing, unoccupied aerial systems, crude protein, landscape patterns, plant secondary metabolites, regression kriging, spatial patterns Resource Type General: Dataset Dates: NA Date available for the public: 2022-03-31 Sizes: 632MB Format(s): txt, csv, r, tfw, tif, tif.aux.xml, tif.ovr, tif.vat.cpg, tif.vat.dbf, tif.xml, tif.ovr Version: NA Funding References: US NSF DEB-1146368 Collaborative Research: Modeling the Tradeoffs within Food-, Fear-, and Thermal-Scapes to Explain Habitat Use by Mammalian Herbivores US NSF DEB-1146194 Collaborative Research: Modeling the Tradeoffs within Food-, Fear-, and Thermal-Scapes to Explain Habitat Use by Mammalian Herbivores US NSF IOS-1258217 Courtship Negotiation in a Life-history Context: Interaction between on- and off-lek Tactics in Sage-grouse US NSF Idaho EPSCOR OIA-1757324 RII Track-1: Linking Genome to Phenome to Predict Adaptive Responses of Organisms to Changing Landscapes US NSF Idaho EPSCOR OIA-1826801 RII Track-2 FEC: Genomics Underlying Toxin Tolerance (GUTT): Identifying Molecular Innovations that Predict Phenotypes of Toxin Tolerance in Wild Vertebrate Herbivores US NSF DEB-1146166 Collaborative Research: Modeling the Tradeoffs within Food-, Fear-, and Thermal-Scapes to Explain Habitat Use by Mammalian Herbivores USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture (Hatch Project 1005876) Spatial/Geographical Coverage Location: Study Area Description: Idaho (USA) Site Point Locations: Magic Reservoir-Camas Idaho: -114.317528 43.242182 Cedar Gulch-Leadore Idaho -113.289869 44.699597 Bounding Box: West: -114.35388 East: -113.18686 North: 44.796898 South: 43.180083 Temporal Coverage: Start Data: 2013-06-25 End Date: 2015-06-05 License: CC-BY 4.0 Granularity of the Data: NA Contact Info: Contact Name: Peter Olsoy Contact Email: Related Content: Peer Reviewed Manuscript-Landscape Ecology: Ancillary Dataset-Compiled Idaho Chemistry: Ancillary Dataset-UAS Data: Ancillary Dataset-Structural Data: Related Peer Reviewed Manuscript-Methods in Ecology and Evolution: